General and Cosmetic Dentistry Tips and News

dental implants post treatment care

Post Treatment Care for Dental Implants

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | January 26th, 2017

You have finally completed the process to get dental implants. Do you know how to care for your new implant? Beginning with the first day, if you care for your implant it can last many years.

The following instructions will help to keep your implant from getting infected and help reduce any pain you may experience.

After the procedure it is normal to experience some swelling of the face or jaw and even light bleeding. This is nothing to be concerned about and should subside in a couple of days. Using an ice pack will help to reduce swelling. Swelling usually last only a few days. If you have light bleeding place a gauze pad in the area of the implant without disturbing it. The gauze will absorb the blood.

Consult with your dentist if the swelling or bleeding continues or gets worse. Excessive swelling or bleeding could be a sign of an infection or other problem that requires immediate care.

Keep the area around the implant clean and free of food debris. Use the mouthwash provided by your dentist for this purpose. Follow your dentist’s instructions for using the mouthwash. Typically, the mouthwash is used for a week following the procedure. You should brush your teeth as usual being careful around the implant while it is healing.

As with any type of oral surgery avoid swishing liquid in your mouth for a couple of days after the implant surgery. This will help to prevent dislodging the clotted blood at the surgery site. Eat soft foods for the first few days after the surgery and avoid hot or cold food for a few days. Chew away from the implant as much as possible until healing has occurred. Brush and floss your teeth to prevent the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

The area around the implant maybe tender or sore for a few days, Resist the urge to touch the implant or area surrounding the implant. This will help to prevent infection and disturbing the implant will lengthen the healing time.

After your mouth has healed you will want to brush and floss regularly to keep your remaining teeth healthy as well as prolong the life of the implant. With proper oral care, the implant should last many years.

The dentists at Dentistry For You can help you decide if dental implants are the right choice for you.
Call 905.731.1871 today to make an appointment.