General and Cosmetic Dentistry Tips and News

Dental Implants Vs Dental Bridge
7Feb, 2018

Dental Implants vs. Dental Bridge: Which should you choose?

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Unfortunately, missing teeth can lead to more oral health issues. From decaying teeth to impediments with your speech, there comes a time where you have to choose the best remedy for the situation: dental implants or a dental bridge – which will work best for your lifestyle? Also known as tooth bridge, the dental bridge is responsible for encouraging and providing support within the mouth so that your healthy teeth don’t shift around. What are the differences between a bridge and implant, though? A Dental Bridge and What One Does […]

Pain After Tooth Filling
15Jan, 2018

Don’t Worry: Your Pain After Having a Filling is Normal

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Is it your first time visiting a dentist in quite a long time, and you’re prepared for a plethora of problems wrong with your mouth? Maybe you’ve just found out that you only need some fillings and are super relieved, only to have them done and feel some sort of pain afterwards. The hypochondriac in us all will automatically resort to: “oh my goodness, is my tooth infected? Do I need to get this pulled?” Thankfully, most of the time, the answer is no, and don’t automatically think you’re the […]

Beautiful Holiday Smile
18Dec, 2017

How to get a beautiful holiday smile

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Holiday celebrations arrive with plenty of temptations, lots of candy, chocolate and rich foods.  However, if you want to keep a beautiful, white smile you can follow these 7 steps to a great smile: Call the Dentist before a problem can’t be fixed If you crack or chip a tooth over the holiday season, make sure you get to your dentist as soon as possible. You don’t want the situation to worsen over a few weeks and then be in pain when you can’t reach a dentist. A good preventative […]

Dental Implants Care
29Nov, 2017

Implants and Imperative Dental Care

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Having great oral hygiene is a good idea in general, but even more so when you have dental implants. There are various methods that you have to perform in order to reduce the amount of bacteria and plaque every day. When you don’t brush properly, or even floss regularly, you’ll be more susceptible to this bacterium, which may promote infection within your mouth. First and foremost, you must clean the interdental spaces within your teeth, and maybe even invest in something called an interdental brush to further promote this action […]

23Oct, 2017

What Do I Do, if I Chipped or Cracked my Tooth?

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Chipping or cracking your tooth can not only be terrifying, but painful. Whether you think it’s bad enough to see a dentist or not, you must schedule an appointment with a local dentist as soon as you can. Even if it doesn’t hurt and isn’t deterring you from eating, any cracked tooth left untreated can cause extreme complications from pain to infection , and more. The Types of Teeth Injuries When “chipped” or “cracked” are the words used, it doesn’t mean just two types of splits or holes in the […]

dental implants missing teeth solution
4Jul, 2017

Dental Implants: The Importance of Replacing Teeth

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A dental implant is a very strong screw ,which is used to ,firmly and almost permanently, connect to the jaw bone. Dental implant is made from commercially pure titanium or titanium alloy. The body doesn’t reject the titanium screw which is drilled into the jawbone and over a period of time ,it integrates (attaches) into the bone of the jaw. This implant(artificial root) can be restored by a crown which is actually screwed into it.In fact the difference between a dental implant and a real tooth is indiscernible. Not only […]

implant denture stabilization
6Jun, 2017

Do You Know What Implant Denture Stabilization is?

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Are you tired of your dentures slipping around while you eat? Have you ever had to stop eating during a meal out with friends or family because of your loose dentures? Do you have to put more and more adhesive on your dentures because they fall out when you eat? Loose dentures can be painful and make you self-conscious, worried they may slip or even fall out when you talk. One of the most common complaints of denture wearers is the pain when chewing from their loose dentures. It is […]

bleeding gums causes and prevention
8May, 2017

What Causes Bleeding Gums and What You Can Do to Prevent It

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If you have noticed a bit of blood after brushing and flossing your teeth it may not seem like anything serious, but in truth bleeding gums can be an early sign of gum disease. There are a few possible causes for bleeding gums and it is important to know what they are and what to do to prevent further problems. Oral Hygiene Practices Inadequate oral hygiene is the most common cause of bleeding gums. If your gums are red and swollen, chances are you have been neglecting oral hygiene practices. […]

dental implants improve appearance
3Mar, 2017

Improve your Appearance and Health with Dental Implants

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If you have missing teeth you understand the effects on your daily life. From being self conscious about your appearance to difficulty eating, and even speaking, gaps in your teeth can make life less enjoyable. But did you know that missing teeth can also affect your health? Overtime tooth loss can cause the jaw bone to begin to degenerate causing bone loss which can affect your ability to eat possibly resulting in malnutrition. In addition, bone loss in the jaw will cause your face to have a sunken appearance. Dental […]

dental implants post treatment care
26Jan, 2017

Post Treatment Care for Dental Implants

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You have finally completed the process to get dental implants. Do you know how to care for your new implant? Beginning with the first day, if you care for your implant it can last many years. The following instructions will help to keep your implant from getting infected and help reduce any pain you may experience. After the procedure it is normal to experience some swelling of the face or jaw and even light bleeding. This is nothing to be concerned about and should subside in a couple of days. […]